USPS Seamless Acceptance

Whether you’re beginning to explore becoming a USPS Seamless Acceptance provider or already running Seamless Parallel, you can learn about the challenges and benefits of our journey in becoming a USPS…


USPS Seamless Acceptance

Whether you’re beginning to explore becoming a USPS Seamless Acceptance provider or already running Seamless Parallel, you can learn about the challenges and benefits of our journey in becoming a USPS…

Mail, Marketing

Does Direct Mail Rule The World?

YES!   Direct Mail does rule when it comes to response rates. You’ve probably heard direct mail is making a big comeback --especially in the form of catalogs. We’ve seen a distinct uptick lately in…

Easter Observance - We are open Friday!

We are open regular business hours this Friday, April 19th. To arrange a special pick up, please contact your representative.Have a blessed holiday!…


How to Streamline Your Print and Mail

When you include our team in your print process we can help you save time and money while improving response rates. Our print team can help you to design a printed mail piece that will capture your…


10 Best Blogs to Follow About Print

Over the years Midwest has found many good resources that have helped us with various print projects. We have shared some of our favorite blog posts on our LinkedIn and Twitter feeds, and we have…


Display Ads vs. Targeted Display - What’s The Difference?

Targeted Display Ads are a new tool available in the Display Ad space.  They look and act like traditional, search-based, PPC (pay per click) ads in many ways, but there are a few key differences;…


Optimize Your Direct Mail Budget with Commingling

With response rates averaging over 3%, Direct Mail is one of the most powerful tools marketers use today. When integrated into an omni-channel marketing campaign, direct mail receives response rates…

Mail Delivery Affected in Midwest

Midwest Direct is open, picking up mail and operating business as usual. Per the USPS statement below, mail delivery may be affected. Offices Impacted by Arctic Temperatures (Eastern, Great Lakes, and…


Lettershop Services Save Time and Money

It’s a given that your lettershop provider should save you time, trouble, and have a positive impact on your costs. At Midwest Direct, we have the facility and team to get your mail projects out the…