Marketing, Data, Beginner's Guide

Beginner’s Guide to Direct Mail Catalog Campaigns

Contributing Editor, Charlie Brock Create a Catalog Campaign Integrating Multiple Channels and Get Results Retailers have been using catalogs to secure sales since the early 1800s. Today there is a…

Mail, Beginner's Guide

Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Mail

What is Marketing Mail?  Marketing Mail is a class of USPS mail that is used for promotional advertising such as advertisements, flyers, newsletters, merchandise, or small parcels.…


Tips to Keep Your Direct Mail Safe This Summer

Summer means fun in the sun, but it also means heat and humidity which is dangerous to your paper supply. Paper absorbs and gives off moisture until the moisture in the paper and the moisture in the…


Digital printing: Connect with Variable Data Printing

You know when you get a mail piece addressed to “Current Resident,” and you instantly move the piece - both mentally and literally - over to the junk pile?The simple secret to avoiding the junk pile…


The Ultimate Technical Guide on Mailpiece Design

Mailpiece design affects your mailing costs, your brand image and the effectiveness of your campaign. Although the visual design of a mailpiece is important, the most fundamental part of any mailing…

The Plus Podcast, Mail, Data, Digital Plus Post

16: The Next Big Thing in Mail Tracking is Here

Listen to Gary Seitz and Scott Campbell on the full capabilities of digital+post Mail Tracking, in this week’s episode of the Plus Podcast.…


Do You Know Why Your Competitors Are Using Print?

Many organizations have cut print and mail due to budget restrictions and difficulty in tracking. However, this strategy can have strong negative impacts on marketing results and sales.  Here's why...…

The Plus Podcast

13: Looking Back and Moving Forward with The Plus Podcast

In this week’s podcast, we wanted to recap everything we covered in one place, to make sure you didn’t miss anything on our mail, data, print, and full-service marketing capabilities.…