
Direct Mail Color Theory For Nonprofit Organizations

Have you ever noticed that different colors make you feel different emotions? Do Target®’s bright red advertisements give you a sense of urgency? Do McDonald’s® bright yellow advertisements make you…


The Ultimate Technical Guide on Mailpiece Design

Mailpiece design affects your mailing costs, your brand image and the effectiveness of your campaign. Although the visual design of a mailpiece is important, the most fundamental part of any mailing…


USPS Announces Price Increase Effective January 2020

The United States Postal Service filed a notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) on Wednesday, October 9, 2019, of price changes to take effect January 26, 2020.…


First Class Mail vs. Standard Mail: Learn the Difference

When you're sending direct mail, and need to save on postage, compare first class mail vs. standard mail. This article is a detailed source on the differences between first-class and marketing mail -- and how to save on postage in 2021!…


Mailing Services: Selection and Partnering Tips

This checklist should help you pick a mailing service provider (MSP) right for your needs. And there are a few tips on working smoothly with your mailing services partner as well. What does a mailing…


Direct Mail in One Minute

If you have 60 seconds or so, here's a broad strokes introduction to managing a direct mail campaign. Scrub it. Build a list from your subscriber base, or rent a list from a broker.  List hygiene is…


Business Mail vs. Bulk Mail

Like so many mailing industry insider terms, business mail and bulk mail are used frequently … and frequently used together. And sometimes these terms are used interchangeably, though that’s not…