
Capture and Keep Tradeshow Leads

Targeted Display Ads -- a New IP Targeting Technology We all want the connections and leads that come with attending the event.  However, there’s nothing worse than spending money and time on a show only to…

Midwest Direct Featured in Crain's Cleveland

Great news: Midwest Direct was featured in Crain's Cleveland!  Midwest Direct gets its message across via mail and digital The mail is changing, becoming more personalized and more connected to…


What Ever Happened to QR Codes?

Do you remember when QR codes were the big thing in advertising? It seemed almost impossible to get anything, even a bag from McDonald’s, without that futuristic-looking barcode on it somewhere. It…


Digital Marketing: pURLS 101

pURLs are a smart way to blend traditional and digital communication channels in a powerful marriage of marketing tactics. Here’s what pURLS are, and why you should consider using them in your next…